
Seeing a gorgeous London escort all dressed up in your favourite uniform is super hot, and ideal for combining with a roleplay experience. We have a selection of beautiful women who will cater to your every need, from stunning blondes to tantalising brunettes - we have someone for every man. In this gallery are some of the hottest babes that love to play dress up, in any one of a number of sexy uniforms. Once a profile catches your eye, you can  click on that escort's thumbnail. On her profile you’ll find out more about her  including the sexy outfits she owns...

Which outfits are most popular?

Here at Rachael’s London Escorts we get a number of requests for our escorts to wear all different outfits.! Read on to find out what the top London escorts in uniforms requests are.

  • Secretary – everyone loves a little bit of office roleplay and we can’t say that we blame you. A black short skirt, white blouse, sexy black stockings and very high sexy stilettos to show off our escorts amazing legs, who wouldn’t want to spend the afternoon with one of our ladies sitting on their lap?
  • Nurse – Another outfit that is strongly requested by clients is that of a nurse. Perhaps tight white latex, boobs popping out the top and let’s swap that thermometer for a dildo! You’ve got to remember that when making a booking to see one of our escorts in uniform, you are looking for fantasy and not reality.
  • Leather and latex – Tight-fitting, showing off all the curves, not long enough to cover the girl’s bum – are you getting the picture now? Plenty of our escorts love this uniform.

What other options are there to see a uniformed London escort?

There are, of course, so many other options that the ladies have for you. Sexy schoolgirl, air stewardess, pilot, police officer… The list could go on and on!

How do I book a London uniform escort?

Booking is easy - just use our streamlined online booking form, or call us on 02038595225. You can also WhatsApp us on 07504335308 and our friendly receptionists will be happy to help you. Make sure to mention which uniform you’d like!

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